Sheep aged "Campos Goticos"
Cured cheese made with raw sheep milk and lamb's rennet. Milk from sheep of own herds, fed only with pastures and natural products. Its bark is brushed with molds and no preservative is added.
The cheese obtained is of extraordinary quality, with intense flavor, exquisite and preserves all the primitive aromas and flavors. One of the best cheeses of sheep, hard to match.
Whole 2,1kg - Half 1,05kg - Piece 525g.
Ingredientes: LECHE CRUDA de oveja, cuajo animal, fermentos lácticos y conservadores E-252.
Información Nutricional por 100g.: Valor energético 1820KJ (433Kcal), Grasas 37,7g. de las cuales saturadas 26,65g. Hidratos de Carbono <2g. de los cuales azúcares <2g. Proteínas 25,62g. Sal 1,93g.